wholehearted business


Wholehearted Business Transformation Mastermind Program

Register your Interest

Session times (please tick all that work for you)

Are you ready to create a new “better” version of normal?

As women in business, I believe that we can help rebuild our economy and our lives in a way that works not only for ourselves, but for all who call Earth home.

With some new, more “wholehearted” pillars of success – PURPOSE, PROSPERITY, CONNECTION and JOY – plus some real ACTION, we have the power at the very grassroots level to transform our post-COVID society. Many of us have already slowed our lives right down to be more present for our families, active within our communities and considerate of our environment. We know how to do this!

The Wholehearted Business Transformation Program is an 8-week fully supported small-group Mastermind program, led by Cath Connell, to guide you as you to transform your business into one you truly love and that can bring you closer to achieving Wholehearted Success.

Discover how you can drive positive change in the world using your unique gifts, while attracting prosperity and joy in all areas of your life. This Program is due to commence in early 2023. Register your interest today!

Pilot Program Special Offer: $575*


Who is this program for?

The Wholehearted Business Transformation Program is for any woman running a micro or small business who wants to set a new direction for their business and life that more fully integrates the principals of “wholehearted success” – PURPOSE, PROSPERITY, CONNECTION and JOY – and take real ACTION towards change.

However, it is particularly relevant if you:

  • Have had to pivot your business strategy during COVID-19 to remain operational and are not sure where to go next;
  • Are feeling like you’ve lost your mojo after the events of the past few years, and would like to reignite your passion and enthusiasm for your business and life;
  • Are aiming to achieve better work/life harmony, either with an existing business or by transitioning into a new business; OR
  • Are feeling strongly that you want to make a greater positive impact in the world with your work.
How does it work?

This program is scheduled to commence early 2023 and will be run over 8 weeks, with 5 coaching calls to be held over Zoom. Calls will be run fortnightly and will go for 1.5-2 hours depending on the group size. You will also receive weekly emails with prompts and exercises to be completed during the intervening period and access to a private Facebook for ongoing support and connection.

As a Mastermind program, you will be invited to explore the topics presented and work through how they apply to YOUR business. We will gather online fortnightly to share your insights, where your experienced business coach (i.e. me), – within a supportive group environment – will provide insight and encouragement to help you implement them into your business and life.

This program will be structured around the principles of Wholehearted Success. The topics we will cover are:

> PURPOSE – review your Vision, Values and Purpose with a range of self-reflective exercises and prompts to help you discover (or rediscover) your unique “zone-of-genius”.

> PROSPERITY – explore what you can you offer the world while feeling respected, energised and valued, so you can share your prosperity with others.

> CONNECTION – learn how to connect on a deeper level with your ideal customers without feeling “sales-y”, and build a strong support network around you to keep you growing.

> JOY – find ways to do more of what you love in your business while reflecting on gratitude, fulfilment and self-care to help you live a fuller, happier life.

Throughout the program you will be encouraged to take inspired ACTION, by developing practical action plans and practices to help you move towards your goals in all aspects of your life.

There is a maximum group size of 6 to ensure personal attention and create a more intimate experience.

Depending on the location of participants, we may also have a celebratory catch up in person at the end of the program.

How much does it cost and how do I sign up?

The Pilot Program will cost $575 incl. GST for upfront payments. A payment plan will also be available with 3 x monthly instalments of $195 incl. GST. This rate will only apply for the first Wholehearted Business Transformation program and is expected to rise substantially for any subsequent Mastermind programs.

At this stage, it is my anticipation that the program will commence in early 2023.

Please register your interest using the form on this page, including ALL times you are available from the choices provided.

I will be in touch with more details and links about how to book and pay for the program at a later date. If there are fewer than 3 registrations, I will assume that there is insufficient interest at this time. If this is the case, I will be in touch with anyone registered to make other arrangements.

If you’d like to discuss the program further to find out if it is right for you, please book a 30 minute free Discovery Session here.


Cath Connell

Cath Connell

Wholehearted Success Coach

It’s been quite a journey to arrive here… and yet this is probably where I’ve always been heading. Helping amazing people achieve their dreams, having some creative fun, running my own show.

With over 25 years’ experience as a marketing professional, many in my own business, I believe it is now time to share my experience, skills and wisdom with other women in business, so that together we can help reshape our world into one that is more sustainable, loving, kind and connected.

Are you ready to join me?